Saturday, October 22, 2016

My First Half Marathon

So after a ridiculous amount of back and fourth I finally decided to do it! Yes I signed up for my first half marathon less than 24 hours before I was going to run it. I havn't run a race in about a decade until a recent 5k. My training had been hit or miss all summer, but I was feeling great my last few runs so I went for it! I went in with no expecting, no idea what time I would finish (or if I would finish), and I had never run more than eight miles, but what the hell I said! At the very least I will have the morning to myself! So one week later I am here to tell the tale. Here's my recap of the Nationwide Children's Hospital Columbus Half marathon.

Like I said for some reason I could not make the decision to sign up until the day before the race. While everyone was excited picking up their race packets and discussing their training and what energy gels they'd be using I was awkwardly wandering around trying to figure out where to sign up for the thing (hoping I still could). I wandered around for awhile somehow nearly signed myself up to give blood and get my kidneys checked, I found the Information desk. They had no idea if I could still sign up. So I'm stating to feel this was a crazy idea, but finally someone led me to registration where they let me sign up no problem. I signed some forms guessed my finish time 2 hours 30 minutes?? I guessed! And then i was off! I paid the big bucks so no way this cheap gal was backing out!

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